Each original piece of artwork has its own story painted into it. Behind every meticulous stroke of paint are years of experience, education, trial and error, struggle, frustration, joy and love. Each piece is unique in its own way. With a variety of content, bright popping colors and a dash of humor there is usually something that will pique your interest.

Each piece of artwork is created with high-quality mediums, typically acrylic, on either wood or stretched canvas.


All prints have been made at a local Victorian print shop on high quality 110lb top grade paper and matched to the upmost accuracy of the original.  

All prints from the West Coast Wild Series are 9″x12″ inches, however other sizes can be printed with a minimum purchase order.  

Each print is signed by the artist and sealed in a clear envelope.  If there is a specific original painting that you wish to have a print of, please contact me.


Photography has been one of my many artistic passions and another medium to express myself.  I am constantly learning and falling in love with the craft with each picture I take.  My artistic background provides me with the artistic eye to create the perfect shot, as well as lots of fun ideas!

Please contact me for private photoshoots or if you would like to purchase a print.